Starting Over

Way back before Covid, in the good old days (lol) we were fancy-free and travelling without a care to many countries. Unfortunately, world events have followed which have made us think twice about leaving the safety and security of Australia.

Not to mention the fact that I don’t like flying anyway and the thought of 15 hours plus to any destination just doesn’t bear thinking about.

But life goes on and we have planned two vacations so far for 2024. One is fairly soon, but more on that later.

In the meantime, closer to home, even though my blog is called Quilts, Cats and Me, there is no more quilting! Whaaaat???

Not going to change the name as I do enjoy checking out other people’s quilts and I love cats, especially my own precious ones, Samurai and Mischa, sleeping each side of me as I write this.

Mischa figures if she looks cute enough she can stay here all day!
Samurai was asleep until I moved!

However I have to admit that I am definitely over quilt making and have instead discovered machine embroidery which I’ve been doing for the last few years and absolutely love.

So with lots of energy and enthusiasm, here I am making another start. What direction will this go? Who knows! Does anybody care? Once again, who knows? So for my own amusement and for anyone who accidentally lands here, I’m looking forward to breathing some life back into this blog one more time!

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